Monday, December 22, 2008

Now you're stuck with me

Well hello all. First and foremost I'd like to apologize for my appaling lack of skill keeping my blog updated. Now there's two of us to blame for that.... so I figure now I'm only getting 50% of the blame. Don't tell Andrew.

So a bit of the family has not met my other half, Andrew, yet. Grandma and Grandpa Goff came down for our wedding, as well as Steve and Mel. A few others met him at Whit and Curt's wedding.

You could say our relationship was three years in the making (two of that while he was on his mission?)... and now he's stuck with me. Amazingly enough three years of this Goff was not enough to scare him away... I win.
Andrew is not what Melissa calls "wordy". I asked for his input on here and he said "hey". What he really meant to say was that he loves all of you oh so much, and is just itching to meet you.

Well... what is new these days?? As you may of guessed by now, I joined the married club. Go me! Andrew returned from his mission in Baton Rouge, Louisiana June 12th. He came back saying things like y'all, mmmmhmmmmm, and chirren.
I waited an agonizing 24 hours to see him, made the jaunt down to Hermiston, Oregon where he was hatched, and lo and behold two weeks later we were engaged. (Here is where you go "Awwww.")
Thankfully we had the most beautiful weather you could ask for the day we got married. The sun was shining and it was not beastly hot like it was the week previous. Everything looked gorgeous and perfect, thanks to my Moms planning.

Morning after the wedding we flew out to Oahu for our honeymoon. I got over my fear of flying over endless ocean and we had an amazing time, despite the weird sunburn I got ONLY on my armpits. Explain that one if you can.

We now live in pretty little Mukilteo, Washington in a one bedroom one bathroom shenanigan. Our upstairs neighbor plays Halo/World of Warcraft/Call of Duty or some obnoxious game 23 hours a day and never leaves, but it's ok!! We just focus on our wedded bliss, and it's like hitting the mute button on the weirdo upstairs.

Andrew is working for Travis Industries, which is a fireplace manufacturer. He works in the shipping department. His boss Daniel seems pretty cool, and even lets Andrew play with the foam machine. He is working until we save enough moolah to get him back into school.
I am working for a doctors office right now. Which has it's perks, like stammering when little kids ask me where babies come from, and when slightly intoxicated Betty Sue Jean tells me about her suspicous rash. I'm hoping this is sort of temporary and I can continue on to get my Masters.

Anyway, that's the Ransom life!! Love ya.


  1. Oh the fun of the newlywed life.!!! Enjoy the apartment living. You don't have to mow the lawn or fix the leaky pipes. I loved living in Mukelteo. It's sooooo pretty by the water and ferry docks.

  2. UMMM. . .Reminds me of the drunks outside the apartment where we lived when we first got married. We lived on a lot of potatoes because in Klamath they grew them and you could get them for a penney a pound during different times of the year. Life always grows and changes. Keep an eye on the goals so you can grow and become all you want to be and you'll look back on this time with a lot of fondness when you're 82 like me. ;)
